Monday, 19 November 2012

End of an era, beginning of another

So there we are. All three of the 'Lisa' trilogy in the hands of the publisher. It's strange to think that that set of books is actually finished. It began over ten years ago in an hotel room in Amsterdam on a day off from working. Then there was the episode of the original publisher. That took almost two years to sort out. Hopefully, 'Holly' will follow 'Lisa' and 'Jody' into the Ebook shops before long.
All is not ended, the 'Saskia' series will be out before too long. There are seven books in that series, with an eight being written, only now and then at the moment, but we'll get there.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

A book in the hand ....

Interesting weekend. On the one hand, 'Saskia' has had to be revised again. My fault, didn't listen to words of wisdom. Result - two days of square eyes. On the other hand, 'Lisa' is now out on Amazon as a  paperback - an actual book. There's something about holding an actual book, it feels more real somehow. On the other other hand (that's three hands, Berry!), although 'Jody', 'Lisa' book two, is out in the states and is on Kindle, it isn't currently available to download in the UK in E-book or PDF yet. Apparently it can take up to three months to be available everywhere. Watch this space.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Formatting and the straitjacket

I've now managed to finish the formatting run of 'Holly'. Why don't you just write the thing in the correct format to start with I hear you say. The answer is to do with the format required to turn the Word file into an Ebook. That is single line spacing without paragraph indents. I'm used to writing for submissions to publishers who insist on 2 line spacing and stuff, and the reason for that, among other things, is because it's easier to read. I have difficulty with the single-line-no-indent, probably my age, can't help that.
Anyway, the format run is useful as it acts as a proof reading and spell checking and so on pass. We'll get there one day.
I've taken to letting the girls write their own comments on their Facebook pages, so now I suppose it's me for the schizophrenia then. Oh well, perhaps I'll look good in a straitjacket, who knows, might start a whole new fashion.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

A Trilogy means 3 - doesn't it?

Well, 'Holly' is finished - at least in the sense that the creative writing is done. Now comes the formatting and several runs of proof reading. Then maybe it'll be suitable to join 'Lisa' and 'Jody' to make up the last book of the trilogy.A little sad really, I never actually expected to get to the end. Might not be all over, though. Got an idea for a fourth book in the series. Hm. A four book trilogy. Now there's a thing! Still, as a friend of mine reminded me, remember the Star Wars 'trilogy'? The one that's now six films long, with a possible further three in the pipeline? There's hope for me yet perhaps.

Friday, 2 November 2012


Happily sitting here writing what ought to be the last section of 'Holly'. Currently, the three girls are venturing into the Channel Tunnel to rescue hostages and prevent the tunnel being blown up (if you want details - you'll have to read the book when it's out). I've just remembered another time the tunnel appeared in an adventure story. Remember Mission Impossible? The film, not the TV series. The train goes into what has to be the worst representation of the Channel Tunnel ever. The entrance is so unremarkable, it even has to have a sign saying 'Channel Tunnel' over it. I'm not a tunnel expert but I hope what I write will be a bit more believable than that. Anyway, it's back to the keyboard for me.
Ian B