Can people travel in time - apart from moving into the future second by second I mean. If people from the future are standing among us now, we certainly don't know about it - at least at the moment. Be that as it may, that doesn't stop authors writing about it as if it does actually exist - and that includes me.
But what would happen if you went back in time, a few minutes or a few years? There's the old paradox of what would happen if you killed your grandparents before you were born. Many writers have played around with this concept over the years. Theoretically (the whole thing is theoretical at this point) you would cease to exist, never having been born. But if you'd never been born, how could you go back in time to do anything. See the paradox?
What I decided when I made the Saskias able to move in time was that past events are fixed, they can't be changed, you can't bump off grandad because you didn't, and if you were there at that time, it was because you'd always been there.
That would seem to make any story including time travel a bit - well - boring. But what if you had to go back in time to make an event happen as reported by history happen properly, the way it was supposed to. And what if it only happened that way because you were there and made it so? The trick comes in the fact that the girls from 2012 or whatever can't be told what they have to do in 1757 or whatever to make the event 'correct', so to speak - and what if they have just enough lee-way in the way they do whatever is required to get it wrong ....
Naturally, you'll need to read the books to see if they get it right - or is it Whoops Apocalypse?
Ian B
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