Wednesday 20 March 2013

Are blogs like buses?

I think they might be. I don't post anything for ages, then do two within a couple of hours.
Two more books have appeared in the wild. Only in the States at the moment . Can you believe I've waited three years and four months for this moment. The original book, 'Saskia' was accepted for publication originally on 25 November 2010. That original publisher turned out to be something of a charlatan - but that's another story. Mind you, I'm glad in a way. The current publisher had me make some changes that have actually improved the stories in small but significant ways.
I wasn't expecting books one and two to appear together, but the whole series is actually at eight books and rising - the effect of the three year-plus wait. Don't suppose they'll thank me if I send the rest in one go.....
So that's 'Saskia' and 'Saskias'. Book three is called 'Valley of Light'. Watch this space.
Ian B

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