Friday, 17 May 2013

Book three and counting

Here's book three of the Saskia series. For one reason or another, the first people to offer it for download are in the US. Quite why Omnilit manage it first I haven't the least idea but by all means look at
Amazon will probably be next, closely followed by people like Ebooks in the UK.
Every so often I have a look around. Slowly but surely my books are appearing on websites pretty much all over the world - and that doesn't always mean the English-speaking world either! Quite what people in Japan or places like that make of them I can only guess.
So now all that remains is to wait for the royalty cheques to roll in - or not - as the case may be. Not giving up work quite yet.
Ian B.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Days with 48 hours in them - please!

A blog is all well and good, but you need to devote at least a bit of time and effort to it. Effort I got - lots of that - it's the time I seem to lack. Sometime I wish I was like the two Saskias, able to move back in time (with a bit of help from Voice) and do the same day twice. After the debacle with the original publisher - now geography thank goodness (that's like history - but messier) - I did wonder if I'd actually start writing again. All the books being published at the moment were written a little while ago and are all in the queue so to speak, Valley of Light should appear shortly. However, I've just finished a new short story for the Lisa website which would seem to indicate that I'm getting the urge to scribble back again. Ok, so now all I need is the time to devote to it all. Voice? You there?