Thursday, 26 September 2013

A brief geography of time

Time. An interesting concept. Why is that you sometimes have too much and then sometimes not enough? Another question might be why, when you have time, is it usually not possible to do stuff you didn't have the time for when you didn't have enough time? Now I sound like the Saskias, that's Saskiaspeak in a nutshell. Ok. A for-instance. The blog hasn't been updated for a while. The reason for this is that I've been working at the day job. Now the day job (in TV production for those of a nosy disposition) is all hurry up and wait - frantic activity spaced out by periods of doing nothing. So why not write the blog in the doing nothing bits? A couple of reasons, one being that you can get called to do something at a moments notice and so lose track of what you want to say, and second, I don't have the computer, internet connection etc etc etc. So the poor old blog has to wait. 'Course, the Saskias wouldn't have this sort of trouble. If they don't have time for stuff they just get Voice to shift them back in time a bit and do the same period all over again. What a pity we can't all do that - but then on the other hand - think of the chaos it would cause. No. I'll leave it to the Saskias, thanks all the same. And the title? If I'd called it History, I'd have had Stephen Hawking's heavy mob after me!
Ian B

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