Monday 7 January 2013

Shorts - stories that is

The 'Saskia' series of books isn't published yet. The first two, 'Saskia' and 'Saskias', should be out before long. The whole series is currently at seven and a half books. The half a book is number eight, probably going to be called 'America'. Now, I don't want to get on and finish a whole book that won't probably be published for a while yet but I still like to write. Short stories seem to fit this small void admirably. Just prior to Christmas I wrote a story in the Lisa, Jody and Holly series which is on their website. Spurred on by this, I've also written another short for the Saskia website. If you want to see what I've managed to scribble, look at and
Probably some more in the pipeline, got an idea for a Saskia story set in the next millennium - and if you want to know how that can happen, you'll have to read the books.
Ian B

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