Tuesday 22 January 2013

Getting a look inside

Been neglecting the blog recently, no excuse, probably be made to stay in after school.
Anyway, an interesting thought has occurred. If you read books and like to download them rather than buy an actual paper copy, then you need to look in the Amazon Kindle Store. 'But I don't have a Kindle', I hear you say. Ok. If you like to download ePub or PDF versions that's fine, but you can't usually try before you buy. Here's the trick. On the Kindle site, you can 'Look Inside'. What this let's you do is read the first chunk of the book, and it's a quite big chunk. For instance, looking at my books will let you read the first five chapters or so. Of course, you don't have to download the Kindle version, you just go to your favorite site and download as normal - but now you have an idea what you're going to get.
Now I expect Amazon will be after me with an axe, but in my defense I can say that at least I'm encouraging people to visit their site in the first place. If I'm still here in a little while, you'll know I managed to duck!
Ian B

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