Monday 11 February 2013

Patience is a virtue

They say Patience is a Virtue. Mind you, nobody really knows who 'they' are. Still, the words should speak for themselves. Sometimes it's difficult to be patient, especially when your latest book is about to appear on bookshelves imminently. I know this is the case because I've seen the book cover. For one reason or another, my publisher doesn't tell me the actual release date of the book. Not because they are being difficult, it's because they don't know either, at least not exactly. We're both of us in the hands of the ebook distributors. The book appears when it appears. So I have to be patient. But that doesn't stop me checking with various ebook websites regularly, sometimes several times a day. I'm patient, but only because I have no choice. Oh well, back to sitting cross-legged and  reciting mantras. Om, om, om.
Ian B

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