Wednesday 10 July 2013

Excuses, excuses

Been neglecting blog recently. Got an excuse, been working doing the day job. Two long outside broadcast jobs, both in fields with little or no internet access. Hundreds or thousands of spectators means mobile broadband is usually rubbish. Anyway, that's my excuse - and I'm sticking to it.
Long days means not much time for writing. Done a little bit of work on 'America', Saskia book eight, but currently open on the WP is a new short story for the Lisa website. Called 'One Of Our Tanks Is Missing', it's going to be another adventure for Lisa, Jody, and Holly - not forgetting Louisa, the Associate Angel.
Speaking of Louisa, her story on Kindle will be free to download on Sunday 14th July, as is 'Falling Buildings' in the Saskia series. and

Lisa's website has been changed slightly. Links to the short stories now appear on the home page. Saskia's website will probably be changed to be the same eventually, but there are rather more stories to deal with there.
The next thing is to proof read Saskia book 5, 'Chicago'. No great rush, 'Charity' isn't available everywhere yet, although KOBO has been sorted out by my publisher and now list all the books - including 'Lisa', which they missed out for some unknown reason. I think Andrews UK sent in the heavy mob.
Ian B

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