Wednesday, 21 August 2013

High speed publishing

The picture is the book cover of the latest book in the Saskia series. If you've read previous posts, you'll know that I've been working to get this ready for the publisher. Wednesday the 14th saw me happy, and the manuscript and the idea for the book cover were duly emailed. Now, our phone line and broadband was down from that Wednesday until the following Sunday. On the Monday I idly looked at my list of books on Kindle - to find Chicago listed! Don't suppose this is actually a record (not phoning the Guiness book quite yet) but you've got to admit it's pretty good. If you live in the US, the book is available on Omnilit as well, but I guess we'll have to wait a while here in the UK. That always seems to be the case.
What that does mean is that I might get a chance to continue with America, Saskia book eight. As far as finished books go, there are two more Saskias, The Race and The Twins, and another one about Rio, one of the characters in the later Saskia books. They'll be along soon enough.
Ian B

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

To kill a character

Still proof reading 'Chicago'. Got a little more time now I'm back from Oulton Park (motor racing circuit in case you don't know). Actually I'm about to start chapter 16. One of the things I did in 'Chicago' was kill off a character. Not a major one, but Beth Wilson has appeared in every book since 'Saskia'. I found I had a certain amount of difficulty with this, it's the first time I've done it. Not so much the actual death - Beth gets shot - but with the effect it has on the people around her, particularly the two Saskias. The funeral, where both the Saskias and the SuperTwins appear together I found particularly difficult to write. Incidentally, if you want to know how the Saskias and the twins can appear together - considering that the Saskias are the twins - you'll have to read the book. Now going to get the hanky out and continue with chapter 16.
Ian B